Definition of Efficiency: Doing things right; accomplishing something with the least waste of time, effort, money; competency in performance.
Definition of Effectiveness: Doing the right things; the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved.
Ideally, business and government ought to strive to be both efficient and effective. However, if efficiency is the primary goal, with little regard for effectiveness, things can go off the rails. For instance, I think we’d all agree that if a company has reduced waste and streamlined its production processes but is focused on making rotary-dial phones in 2018, this company will not ultimately be very successful! By focusing on maximizing efficiency with no regard for effectiveness, they are efficiently producing a product that is not wanted or needed in today’s environment.
So when Fix Our Schools read through this year’s Education Funding Guide, issued by the Ministry of Education to obtain input into the 2019-20 education funding model in Ontario, we were very concerned to see such a huge emphasis on efficiency (doing things right) with very little regard given to effectiveness (doing the right things to achieve educational objectives). Although the word effective is used in the introduction and conclusion of the Funding Guide, it is not mentioned once in the “meat” of the document, which outlines what this government is actually seeking input on.

What do you think about the direction Doug Ford’s government is taking in obtaining feedback that will guide the upcoming school year’s funding? Do you share our concern that efficiency without real consideration for effectiveness is a worrisome goal?