- Find out who your local MPP is by visiting Elections Ontario and entering your postal code on the bottom centre of the home page in the section called Voter Information Service. This will lead you to your local MPP name and contact information.
- Contact your local MPP. You can email them, call them (even if you call after hours and leave a voicemail – in numbers, this can get their attention!), or set up a meeting with them to discuss issues in-person. Please do this as soon as possible so that your voice is heard before the Spring provincial budget is finalized.
- Contact Premier Ford and Education Minister Thompson as well. If they are your local MPP’s, then please use the Elections Ontario site in bullet one above to find their constituency contact information. Otherwise, please call Premier Ford at 416-325-1941 and email him at doug.ford@pc.ola.org and please call Minister Thompson at 416-325-2600 and email her at lisa.thompson@pc.ola.org.
- We’ve developed the following ASKS relative to Fixing Ontario Schools that you can simply print out and give/send to your MPP, the Premier and the Education Minister.
Asks for your Local MPP, Premier Ford & Education Minister Thompson:
- Provide adequate and stable funding to school boards.
- Develop a standard of good repair for all Ontario’s publicly funded schools.
Continue to collect and publicly update the disrepair data for all Ontario’s publicly funded schools, adding portables to this process. - Invest the additional $1.6-billion per year needed to eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog in schools within seven years.
- Work together in a non-partisan, solution-oriented manner to find the funding solutions needed to make the $1.6-billion per year investment in our schools.
Your local MPP works for YOU directly. The Premier and the Education Minister also work for YOU. Please take advantage of the important opportunity we have in the coming weeks to ensure that our local MPPs, our Premier and our Education Minister all represent us well as the Spring Budget is developed!