Our pre-budget consultation submission for 2025-26

Each budget cycle, the provincial government seeks input from education partners across the province as it determines its education funding for the coming budget. As always, Fix Our Schools took the opportunity to provide input and our recommendations in our submission to the Education Funding Consultation.

We continued to call on the Ford government to ensure that every publicly funded school in the province is safe, well-maintained, healthy, and provides an environment conducive to learning and working.

We continued to call on this government to lift the school closure moratorium that has been in place since 2017 and adopt a new approach to school closures. We also continued to call on this government to develop and implement a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario’s publicly funded schools, which would include transparent metrics for school buildings, portables, and schoolyards, addressing:

    • The $16.8-billion+ of disrepair in school buildings
    • A program to assess current repair backlogs in portables and schoolyards
    • Air quality and ventilation
    • Classroom temperatures
    • Accessibility
    • Environmental efficiency & durability
    • Job site safety for school construction projects and maintenance work
    • Drinking water
    • Asbestos
    • Cleanliness
    • Classroom space
    • Vermin, mold
    • Fire and electrical code

Finally, we called on the government to prioritize publicly funded schools by ensuring they receive adequate, stable, equitable provincial funding that would allow school boards to meet these provincial standards and publicly demonstrate positive outcomes by collecting and releasing associated metrics at regular intervals.