Category Archives: Fix Our Schools

“School Board needs five-fold increase in funding for school repairs”

The London Free Press article entitled, “School Boards see no end in sight for backlog of repairs” from February 14, 2019, cites the London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) as needing a five-fold increase in provincial funding for school repairs just to keep pace. For the 2018-19 school year, LCDSB received only $7.4-million in provincial funding for school repairs.

However, according to its four-year strategic plan, LDCSB would need $35-million annually in order to actually meet the maintenance and repair needs of its current school buildings. As per Ministry Disrepair Data last released in Fall 2017, LDCSB has a school repair backlog of $81.6-million dollars. However, based on LDCSB projections outlined in its capital plan, this number will likely double to over $160-million of disrepair in LDCSB schools by the 2021/22 school year if provincial funding does not increase.

The London District Catholic School Board is not alone in this issue. Based on the most recent Ministry disrepair data, the Thames Valley District School Board (TVDSB), Southwestern Ontario’s largest school board, has a repair backlog of over $750-million in its schools. And yet, for the 2018-2019 school year, TVDSB received less than $55 million from the Province for school repairs.

Terence Kernaghan, MPP for London North Centre is quoted as saying, “We have a situation right now where we have schools that are quite literally crumbling. I’m really frightened about our future.”

To citizens in London, Woodstock, Ingersoll, Dorchester, Aylmer, Glencoe, St. Thomas, Strathroy, Tillsonburg and all other communities in Southwestern Ontario – please contact your local MPPs to voice your concerns about the state of your local schools. Our provincial government holds the power over the money and needs to hear your concerns! We’ve made it easy for you – just click HERE.

Education Mass Rally on February 27, 5 pm

Some teachers from Toronto are organizing this Rally and we wanted to invite all members of Fix Our Schools to attend. This is one way to demonstrate to the Ford government that safe, healthy, well-maintained schools are a priority!

Here are the details:

Calling all education workers, parents, labour affiliates, community partners and allies of public education to a MASS RALLY.

Wednesday, February 27th at 5:00pm.

Outside the 2019 PC Leaders‘ Dinner Event at the Toronto Congress Centre – 650 Dixon Rd., Etobicoke. 

Premier Ford’s assault on public education in declaring a strip of 4% from education by removing class caps, dismantling full-day kindergarten as we know it and slashing millions from critical programming is beyond reprehensible. Please mark this rally in your calendars and share widely with your networks. Further details to follow soon. Track updates on Facebook!

MPP Hogarth: $151.8-M of Disrepair in Etobicoke-Lakeshore Schools

Dear MPP Hogarth,

In 2018 MPP Hogarth signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools

Did you know there is $151.8-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Etobicoke-Lakeshore? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:




Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Etobicoke-Lakeshore:

Bishop Allen Academy (Lease from TDSB  Bill30)  $                10,628,049
Father John Redmond CSS  $                     657,900
Holy Angels CS  $                  1,702,715
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School  $                     592,620
St Elizabeth CS  $                  2,267,115
St Josaphat (holding)  $                  2,511,387
St Leo CS  $                  4,016,355
St Louis CS  $                  1,452,997
St Mark CS  $                  1,173,250
St Teresa CS  $                  4,548,379
David Hornell JS  $                  2,883,204
Ètienne Brûlè JS  $                  2,467,800
Etobicoke School of the Arts  $                13,241,697
Etobicoke Year Round Alternative Centre  $                  4,979,789
George R Gauld JS  $                  3,541,309
Islington JMS  $                  7,141,274
James S Bell JM Sports and Wellness Academy  $                  5,157,630
John English JMS  $                21,696,917
Karen Kain School of the Arts  $                  1,167,369
Lakeshore CI  $                22,488,982
LambtonKingsway JMS  $                  3,604,431
Lanor JMS  $                  3,851,531
Norseman JMS  $                  5,112,800
Park Lawn JMS  $                  6,567,372
Rosethorn JS  $                  3,488,734
Second Street JMS  $                  4,836,841
Seventh Street JS  $                  2,650,716
Sir Adam Beck JS  $                     353,724
Sunnylea JS  $                  2,763,451
Twentieth Street JS  $                  2,563,342
ÉÉC SainteMarguerited’Youville  $                  1,668,279

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We thank you for signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the June 2018 provincial election and ask that you please take steps to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 

MPP Mamakwa: $56.3-M of Disrepair in Kiiwetinoong Schools

Dear MPP Mamakwa,

Did you know there is $56.3-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Kiiwetinoong? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Kiiwetinoong:

ÉÉC des ÉtoilesduNord $                            3,972,505
Sacred Heart Sep S $                            2,466,804
Crolancia Public School $                            3,464,062
Ear Falls PS $                            5,170,475
Golden Learning Centre $                            4,039,030
Lillian Berg PS $                            5,190,825
Queen Elizabeth DHS $                          14,172,760
Red Lake DHS $                          11,634,163
Red Lake Madsen PS $                            2,734,248
Savant Lake Public School $                            2,052,055
Sioux Mountain $                            1,396,616

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We ask that you please take steps to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 

How YOU can HELP Influence the Provincial Budget

  1. Find out who your local MPP is by visiting Elections Ontario and entering your postal code on the bottom centre of the home page in the section called Voter Information Service. This will lead you to your local MPP name and contact information.
  2. Contact your local MPP. You can email them, call them (even if you call after hours and leave a voicemail – in numbers, this can get their attention!), or set up a meeting with them to discuss issues in-person. Please do this as soon as possible so that your voice is heard before the Spring provincial budget is finalized. 
  3. Contact Premier Ford and Education Minister Thompson as well. If they are your local MPP’s, then please use the Elections Ontario site in bullet one above to find their constituency contact information. Otherwise, please call Premier Ford at 416-325-1941 and email him at and please call Minister Thompson at 416-325-2600 and email her at
  4. We’ve developed the following ASKS relative to Fixing Ontario Schools that you can simply print out and give/send to your MPP, the Premier and the Education Minister.

Asks for your Local MPP, Premier Ford & Education Minister Thompson: 

  • Provide adequate and stable funding to school boards.
  • Develop a standard of good repair for all Ontario’s publicly funded schools.
    Continue to collect and publicly update the disrepair data for all Ontario’s publicly funded schools, adding portables to this process.
  • Invest the additional $1.6-billion per year needed to eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog in schools within seven years.
  • Work together in a non-partisan, solution-oriented manner to find the funding solutions needed to make the $1.6-billion per year investment in our schools.

Your local MPP works for YOU directly. The Premier and the Education Minister also work for YOU. Please take advantage of the important opportunity we have in the coming weeks to ensure that our local MPPs, our Premier and our Education Minister all represent us well as the Spring Budget is developed!

Fix Our Schools Provides Input to the Spring Budget

Back in December, Fix Our Schools submitted this report as input to the annual pre-budget consultation process carried out by our provincial government, highlighting the need for this government to:

  1. Provide adequate and stable funding to school boards.
  2. Develop a standard of good repair for all Ontario’s publicly funded schools.
  3. Continue to collect and publicly update the disrepair data for all Ontario’s publicly funded schools, adding portables to this process.
  4. Invest the additional $1.6-billion per year needed to eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog in schools within seven years.
  5. Work together in a non-partisan, solution-oriented manner to find the funding solutions needed to make the $1.6-billion per year investment in our schools.

On January 15, 2019, we had the opportunity to present to the Standing Committee of Finance & Economic Affairs. The official transcript of our presentation and subsequent questions from both NDP and PC members of this committee can be read HERE. This presentation served as a platform to further emphasize our asks above to the following members of this committee (or replacements for those unable to attend):

MPP Stephen Crawford – details of the $115.6-M of disrepair in Oakville Schools

MPP Jeremy Roberts – details of the $170.1-M of disrepair in Ottawa West-Nepean Schools

MPP Doug Downey – details of the $57.6-M of disrepair in Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte Schools

MPP Stan Cho – details of the $125-M of disrepair in Willowdale Schools

MPP Skelly – details of the $59.2-M of disrepair in Flamborough-Glanbrook Schools

MPP Shaw – details of the $144.7-M of disrepair in Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas Schools

MPP Marit Stiles – details of the $273.6-M of disrepair in Davenport Schools

Our hope is that our input will be considered seriously as this government develops the spring budget.

MPP Arthur: $122.9-M of Disrepair in Kingston and the Islands Schools

Dear MPP Arthur,

Did you know there is $122.9-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Kingston and the Islands? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Kingston and the Islands:

Ecole Cathedrale Catholic School $                     3,451,770
Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School $                     2,331,480
Holy Family Catholic School $                     3,729,853
John XXIII Catholic School $                     4,199,816
Mother Teresa Catholic School $                     2,437,209
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School $                     3,272,544
Regiopolis  Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School $                     2,193,921
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Wolfe Island $                        876,096
St Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School $                     1,014,148
St Martha Catholic School $                        632,432
St Patrick Catholic School, Kingston $                     5,127,554
St Paul Catholic School, Kingston $                     1,799,383
St Peter Catholic School, Kingston $                     1,672,530
St Thomas More Catholic School $                     3,951,380
Bayridge PS $                     3,471,425
Bayridge SS $                     8,220,049
Cataraqui Woods ES $                        318,963
Centennial PS $                     1,211,577
Central PS $                     1,792,050
Collins Bay PS $                     3,130,816
Frontenac SS $                     4,229,036
James R Henderson PS $                     2,933,263
John Graves Simcoe PS $                     1,635,459
La Salle SS $                     7,593,363
Lancaster Drive PS $                     1,103,363
Limestone Education Centre $                     5,334,840
Lord Strathcona PS $                     2,581,552
Loyalist C & VI (Sec) $                  15,080,177
Marysville PS $                        323,914
Polson Park PS $                     1,252,953
R Gordon Sinclair Memorial PS $                     2,461,614
Rideau Heights PS $                     4,056,496
Rideau PS $                     2,985,673
Sydenham PS $                     1,990,004
Truedell PS $                     1,286,477
W. J. Holsgrove PS $                     1,063,788
Welborne Avenue PS $                     3,182,337
Winston Churchill PS $                     1,924,137
ÉÉC MgrRémiGaulin $                     1,234,626
ÉSC MarieRivier $                     2,101,471

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We ask that you please take steps to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

First Meeting with Education Minister Thompson

On January 7, 2019, Fix Our Schools had the opportunity to meet with Education Minister Thompson, who signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the provincial election in June.

She seemed open to working with Fix Our Schools and genuinely concerned about the state of Ontario’s schools. We discussed the following asks and agreed to ongoing dialogue on each:

1) Ensure that the guiding principles of adequacy, affordability, equity, stability, flexibility, and accountability, as outlined in the 2002 Rozanski report, are followed in your government’s approach to funding public education.

2) Develop a standard of good repair for all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools.

3) Continue to collect and publicly release annual updates on school disrepair data; adding portables to this process.

4) Commit the additional $1.6-billion/year investment required to eliminate the $15.9-billion of disrepair in Ontario’s publicly funded schools in the coming seven years:

+ an additional $1.3 billion/year in renewal funding

+ an additional $100 million/year to cover amortized cost of rebuilding 346 schools

+ an additional $165 million/year for operational maintenance in schools

= AN ADDITIONAL $1.6 BILLION OF ANNUAL FUNDING until the $15.9 repair backlog is eliminated and the $1 billion of SCI funding can be redirected

Reactive repairs waste taxpayer money and the vast majority of repairs at schools are now reactive.  

5) Implement a new approach to school closures. 

6) Help us work with your Ministry to ensure the provincial government allocates a larger piece of the overall pie to publicly funded education.

MPP Shaw: $144.7-M of Disrepair in Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas Schools

Dear MPP Shaw,

In 2018 MPP Shaw signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools

Did you know there is $144.7-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Hamilton West-Ancaster-Dundas:

ÉSP GeorgesP.Vanier  $          10,161,497
ÉÉC MonseigneurdeLaval  $            2,173,527
Annunciation of Our Lord  $                  26,010
Bishop Tonnos  $                548,892
Canadian Martyrs  $            3,272,454
Holy Name of Mary  $            2,155,026
Regina Mundi  $            3,270,519
St. Ann Ancaster  $            2,490,846
St. Augustine  $            2,386,117
St. Bernadette  $            2,419,185
St. Joachim  $            2,145,333
St. Mary  $            3,584,255
St. Teresa of Avila  $            1,530,599
St. Thomas More  $            4,497,003
St. Vincent de Paul  $            2,625,175
Ancaster H & VS  $          10,776,696
Ancaster Meadow  $                223,636
Buchanan Park  $            3,250,419
C H Bray PS  $            3,695,220
Chedoke  $                647,893
Cootes Paradise  $            3,075,972
Dalewood  $            9,343,882
Dundana PS  $            5,154,932
Dundas Central S  $            2,505,947
Dundas Valley Secondary School  $          11,488,780
Fessenden PS  $            4,003,533
Glenwood (Formerly Fairview)  $                449,084
Gordon Price  $                131,529
Holbrook  $            1,232,241
Mountview  $            1,881,203
Queens Rangers PS  $            1,009,391
R A Riddell  $            5,518,528
Rousseau PS  $            1,285,610
Sir Allan MacNab SS  $            8,755,141
Sir William Osler Elementary School  $                  82,878
Westdale  $          13,044,874
Westmount SS  $            6,598,015
Westview  $            2,470,161
Westwood  $            1,419,549
Yorkview S  $            3,355,329

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We commend you for personally signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the June election and ask that you help ensure the provincial government prioritizes schools as critical infrastructure. Please take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 

MPP Skelly: $59.2-M of Disrepair in Flamborough-Glanbrook Schools

Dear MPP Skelly,

Did you know there is $59.2-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Flamborough-Glanbrook? 

We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Flamborough-Glanbrook:

St Benedict Catholic SS  $                                              5,826,545
Corpus Christi  $                                              3,232,625
Guardian Angels  $                                                 835,597
Our Lady of Mount Carmel  $                                              2,534,894
St. James the Apostle  $                                              2,465,187
St. Jean de Brebeuf  $                                              5,954,747
St. Mark  $                                                 823,494
St. Patrick  $                                              3,238,767
Ancaster Sr PS  $                                              1,554,937
Balaclava PS  $                                                 791,193
Billy Green E S  $                                              3,301,582
Dr John Seaton PS  $                                              1,064,688
Flamborough Centre Senior PS  $                                              1,683,511
Gatestone  $                                                   73,415
Greensville PS  $                                              1,858,422
Janet Lee PS  $                                                 505,692
Millgrove PS  $                                                 588,416
Mount Hope PS  $                                              1,778,548
Saltfleet HS  $                                              4,246,712
Spencer Valley PS  $                                                 670,498
Waterdown DHS  $                                              2,731,596

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We ask that you and your government please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure and take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors.