Category Archives: Fix Our Schools

Are Trustees needed?

  • The position of TDSB Trustee is a part-time role
  • TDSB Trustees earn approximately $26,000/year
  • These individuals are charged with governing a $3 Billion operation known as the TDSB
  • The Province holds power over the money and most of the major school board decisions.

Given the facts above, nobody should be surprised that things aren’t going so well at the largest school board in Canada and that the question of whether we need Trustees has been in the media of late.

The Star: Dump our Trustees and dissolve our school boards

Globe & Mail: Abolish the school boards

Ottawa Citizen: How to fix the school system

We look forward to hearing what Margaret Wilson recommends upon completing her external audit of the TDSB and whether a new form of governance might be in the cards.

First meeting of the new TDSB Trustees

Fix Our Schools called upon the Province to step in and help the TDSB and, surprisingly, they did – for a month anyways.

We also asked Premier Wynne to attend the first meeting of the new board. Not surprisingly, Premier Wynne was a no-show. However, as far as 3-hour meetings go, the December 1st TDSB meeting was well-run, respectful and the new Trustees handily got through the business of electing a Chair, Vice-Chair and striking the many committees that were on the agenda.

Meanwhile, Margaret Wilson has started her external audit of the TDSB. Fix Our Schools has sent letters to the Province, the TDSB, and Margaret Wilson, urging all to stay focused on the safety, success and well being of TDSB students throughout this audit.

Our letters to the the Province and Ms. Wilson also request emergency funding to the TDSB to replace all roofs that have leaked in the last 18 months as well as all other repairs documented as urgent. We see this as an immediate step that the Province needs to take to address the appalling state of TDSB schools and one that cannot happen soon enough! If you would like to email the Province as well, simply click here , fill in your information at the bottom and cc: your MPP.

Will our new mayor give public education the attention it needs?

On his first official day as Toronto’s Mayor, John Tory met with Premier Kathleen Wynne to discuss priorities and how the two levels of government can work together towards the best possible decisions for constituents. Wynne said the two have committed to meeting regularly.

The agenda included transit, housing and investment opportunities.  While public education is arguably as important to Toronto’s future success as transit, it is notably absent from this morning’s meeting agenda.

With 246,000 students attending almost 600 schools, the TDSB is a $3 Billion bureaucracy that requires attention not only from the TDSB Trustees who govern the board but also from our new Mayor and City Council.  Last week, the TDSB finally got the attention of the Province with Liz Sandals announcing that outside expert Margaret Wilson will be conducting a review of the TDSB.  What is required next is for the TDSB to get the attention of the City too.

John Tory and the TDSB arguably have similar visions – a vibrant city filled with educated, healthy citizens.  So let’s hope that our new Mayor will also forge new relations with our local school board. With regular meetings between our City Council and the TDSB, we could see a stronger Toronto.

250,000 TDSB students need the Ministry’s help

After reading yet again about the ongoing dysfunction (and possible corruption) at the TDSB, Fix Our Schools is urging the Province to please help TDSB students and get involved in working with Canada’s largest school board to address the massive challenges it faces.

The public school students of Toronto have been penalized long enough for the inability of the grown-ups in charge to work together. The TDSB is in crisis and we ask all TDSB parents to write the Premier and Minister of Education, asking them to step in and help get the mammoth ship known as the TDSB back on course.  To make it easy…

Email Premier Wynne & Minister Sandals

Letter to Premier Wynne & Minister Sandals

Email your MPP too – they are YOUR elected official at Queen’s Park! 


Education Development Charges (EDCs) 101

Fix Our Schools believes that the Provincial regulation guiding the collection and use of EDCs must be changed. The TDSB agrees, as do many other school boards across the province. We’ve been lobbying the Province for change and so has the TDSB.

Check these out to find out what the TDSB has been doing:

TDSB Press Release re: EDCs


TDSB Letter to Minister of Education re: EDCs

TDSB Letter to Premier re: EDCs 


TDSB’s $1 million deal with condo developer

The TDSB recently accepted $1 million from a developer to build a new playground in exchange for abandoning the plan to work alongside the City to fight the planned development at the upcoming Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing. The proposed development casts a shadow over the entire school yard every morning, creating a sub-optimal play space for students.

Why would the TDSB agree to such a deal? Sadly, because it made sense when weighing the guaranteed $1 million from the developer against the uncertain $400,000 compensation if the OMB hearing resulted in a win.

Developers should be contributing financially to TDSB schools in communities where they build via Education Development Charges (EDCs).  However, due to current provincial regulations, the TDSB doesn’t qualify so instead, we see these one-off deals where developers only contribute to public schools when backed into a corner.

The Province must change the regulation guiding the collection and use of EDC’s so that TDSB schools benefit routinely from new development. The TDSB has been lobbying the Province  to do this since January, 2014 and Fix Our Schools has been lobbying the Province on this issue since May, 2014.  To find out more about EDCs, visit Education Development Charges 101

The TDSB could use some help from Queen’s Park too

The Ministry has responded quickly to help Toronto’s Catholic School Board address a recently discovered $9 Million deficit.

Province sends in consultant to help Catholic_Boards address a $9m deficit

Yet this same Ministry seems content to sit idly by while the TDSB struggles to address a $3.5 Billion backlog of repairs and maintenance.  The TDSB could use some help too please.  Our children deserve to attend school in well-maintained buildings and if the TDSB cannot address it on their own – then send in the cavalry!

Could public schools get same treatment as transit?

Great news today about transit in Toronto – the Ontario government may get more involved in the TTC and may actually pay for some of its operating expenses.

Ontario considers picking up part of tab for operating TTC

Equally great news is that our mayor-elect is already developing a positive working relationship with Queen’s Park.  Hallelujah!  A good working relationship between the City and Province is critical if we want to see public education get the same treatment as transit – namely more involvement and attention from both the City and the Province!