Imperative: Prioritizing Schools and Education in Party Platforms

Political parties in Ontario are already beginning to think about their platforms for the next provincial election. The Liberal party reached out to Fix Our Schools to provide input to the Education Platform they are building for the next provincial election, and have been seeking input from all citizens using a campaign called “Take the […]

Who is Ontario’s Auditor-General and Why Do We Care?

Ontario’s Auditor-General Bonnie Lysyk and her office made the news this week after the release of a scathing report on our provincial government’s COVID-19 preparedness and management thus far. So who is Ontario’s Auditor-General? What is the Auditor-General office’s purpose and role? Why is it that sometimes Premier Ford loves what the Auditor-General Office says […]

Cheaper to Rebuild Some Schools than to Repair

The last time the Ontario government released disrepair data for publicly funded schools was in Fall 2017 despite the fact that on the Ministry of Education’s website, we read:  “The Government of Ontario is committed to increasing the transparency of its historic investments in school infrastructure so that Ontarians can see the importance of this […]

In the News

Since Fix Our Schools began in 2014, we’ve worked to ensure that school disrepair receives regular media attention. In fact, media coverage has been critical over the past five years in raising general awareness of the poor conditions that plague Ontario’s publicly funded schools and has also been critical in building the momentum and pressure that […]

New Education Minister focused on physical well-being of Ontario’s school children

This week, Ontario’s new Minister of Education visited a Toronto public school to highlight her Ministry’s new investments to help keep children and youth physically active inside and outside the classroom. While we applaud Ms. Indira Naidoo-Harris for putting a spotlight on the physical well-being of Ontario schoolchildren, the location she chose to make that […]

How did Ontario’s schools get to be in such bad shape?

The scores of parents, grandparents, teachers and school staff who contact Fix Our Schools with questions are really all asking the same two questions: How did the schools get to be in such bad shape? When are we going to Fix Our Schools? Economist Hugh_MacKenzie’s latest report, “Ontario’s deteriorating schools: The fix is not in”  […]

Have we even stopped the bleeding on the $15-Billion repair backlog in Ontario’s schools?

In August 2016, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) led the way in transparency, when it released detailed information on disrepair in its schools, including both Facility Condition Index (FCI)  and the Renewal Needs Backlog.  Feeling pressure to follow suit, the Ministry of Education released information on disrepair for all Ontario schools, confirming that over $15-Billion of disrepair […]

How to find the repair backlog for your local school

In Ontario, our children attend poorly maintained schools. Unfortunately, children do not remember a time when this was not the case. They expect their schools to be broken. As parents, grandparents, teachers, and caretakers, we know the schools are in poor condition because the Ontario Education Funding formula is broken. Since our children don’t expect […]

We’ve made a difference together in 2016!

As 2016 draws to a close, the Fix Our Schools campaign is happy to reflect on the many positive things we’ve accomplished together this past year: In June, the provincial government increased annual funding for school repairs by $1.1-billion over two years to $1.3-billion in 2015/16 and $1.4-billion in 2016/17. In August, the TDSB released detailed […]

About Us

If you’d like to get in touch with us to find out more, please email us at In a nutshell… we are parents, students, grandparents, teachers, principals, caretakers and voters who believe that every publicly funded school in Ontario ought to be a safe, healthy, well-maintained building that provides an environment conducive to learning and […]