MPP Marit Stiles of Davenport Riding has been working to ensure that disrepair in Ontario schools is a priority for our provincial government. She raised the issue in the Legislature and helped organize a press conference about hot schools in September. As well, MPP Stiles signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge during the provincial election.

In 2018 MPP Stiles signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools
To support MPP Stiles in continuing to raise the issue of disrepair in Ontario’s publicly funded schools, Fix Our Schools wanted to share the following details of disrepair each school in the Davenport riding:
Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Davenport, for a total of $273.6-million of school disrepair in this riding:
ÉÉP CharlesSauriol | $3,989,379 |
ÉIP Toronto Ouest | $9,211,223 |
Blessed Pope Paul VI C S | $1,444,248 |
Loretto College | $273,000 |
St Anthony | $351,351 |
St Clare CS | $5,644,457 |
St Helen CS | $1,996,313 |
St John Bosco CS | $1,293,068 |
St Luigi (shared, leased from TDSB) | $8,617,002 |
St Mary Catholic Academy | $13,817,009 |
St Mary of the Angels CS | $2,283,188 |
St Matthew CS | $3,903,810 |
St Nicholas of Bari CS | $2,969,214 |
St Rita CS | $7,549,675 |
St Sebastian (shared, leased from TDSB) | $15,574,138 |
Stella Maris (shared, leased from TDSB) | $10,566,150 |
Alexander Muir/Gladstone Ave Jr & Sr PS | $14,000,117 |
Bloor CI | $21,079,964 |
Brock PS | $6,092,182 |
Carleton Village Jr & Sr Sports and Wellness Academy | $11,235,042 |
Dewson Street Jr PS | $9,975,264 |
Dovercourt PS | $7,395,996 |
F H Miller Jr PS | $2,278,949 |
Fairbank Memorial CS | $7,309,511 |
Fairbank PS | $4,003,020 |
General Mercer Jr PS | $5,851,059 |
McMurrich Jr PS | $6,245,894 |
Oakwood CI | $16,599,197 |
Ossington/Old Orchard Jr PS | $5,674,023 |
Pauline Jr PS | $15,574,138 |
Perth Avenue Jr PS | $8,617,002 |
Rawlinson CS | $9,425,423 |
Regal Road Jr PS | $7,281,914 |
Shirley Street Jr PS | $5,122,158 |
Winona Drive Sr PS | $11,105,737 |
ÉSC SaintFrèreAndré | $9,211,223 |
School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health. Clearly, MPP Stiles recognizes this fact, as do students and families in Davenport. We ask that constituents in Davenport work with MPP Stiles to raise the important issue of school conditions and to urge our provincial government to please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure and take the steps necessary to ensure that the $15.9-billion of disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working.