Tag Archives: Education Workers

Caretakers and Maintenance Staff During Ontario School Closures

On May 9, 2020, the provincial government approved an emergency order that allowed available school board employees to be voluntarily redeployed to congregate care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes, and women’s shelters. Many of these congregate care settings are in need of staff such as custodial and maintenance workers.

“CUPE education workers have a strong sense of community and they know there’s a critical need for staffing in health, long-term care, and social services. Many of us have been looking for ways to lend our support and so we’re pleased to endorse this voluntary plan,” said Laura Walton, President of CUPE’s Ontario School Board Council of Unions (OSBCU).

Many education workers – including custodians, early childhood educators, and education assistants – are still on the job during Ontario’s school closures, working to maintain schools and support students who are learning at home:

However, some custodians, youth workers, psychologists, maintenance staff, education assistants, social workers, paraprofessionals, special-needs teachers, and food service workers are coming forward for secondment to other sectors. A huge and heartfelt thank you to all education workers, whether you are continuing to work in schools or helping out in congregate care settings. Your work is incredibly valuable and, indeed, essential!


The Many Ways Education Workers Ensure Our Children’s Schools are Safe, Healthy and Well-maintained

Education workers include caretakers, office staff, education assistants and lunchroom supervisors – all of whom play important roles in ensuring our children’s schools are safe, healthy, and well-maintained:

  • They clean washrooms, door handles, water fountains, lunchrooms, desks, floors, stairs
  • They conduct much of the operational maintenance in schools
  • They conduct safe water checks for our children’s drinking water
  • They run safe arrival programs
  • They provide supervision and support for students with special needs
  • They provide educational support in full-day kindergarten classrooms
  • They supervise our children during lunch

Just to name a few of the important things education workers do in our children’s schools. Next time you see an education worker, please say thank  you!