What can I do to help Fix Our Schools?

Many people have contacted us recently, asking, “what action can I take to help Fix Our Schools?”.

We are glad you asked! Here are a few specific things that you can do:

  1. Engage with the campaign to receive timely information and ideas for action:
    1. Sign up for our e-newsletters at www.fixourschools.ca/joinus/ 
    2. Like us on Facebook (Fix Our Schools)
    3. Follow us on Twitter (@Fix_Our_Schools)
  2. Share the Fix Our Schools campaign with your network. You could even use this amazing powerpoint presentation to highlight to your Parent Council or other community group the importance of this issue! A Fix Our Schools parent put this together and included very easy talking notes in the powerpoint so literally – any interested person could give this presentation!
  3. Contact your local MPP, the Education Minister and the Premier to let them know that school conditions are an important to you … and that you expect them to prioritize public schools.

For more specific actions to take, please, please engage with our campaign via our e-newsletter and/or Facebook and/or Twitter!