School conditions ARE an election issue!

Andrea Horwath and the NDP Party of Ontario released their party platform on April 16th, which included this platform announcement by Horwath. In her announcement, Horwath mentions the following:

  • Ontario’s schools are crumbling and there is $16-billion of disrepair publicly funded schools across this province
  • How school disrepair impacts students and adults alike, who spend their days in these school buildings
  • That we must Fix Our Schools
  • That Ontario’s schools must be safe, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working

Fix Our Schools is pleased to see the NDP Party of Ontario acknowledge the importance of school conditions in Ontario and prioritize publicly funded education and schools in this province.

With leaks and flooding in schools across the province today due to heavy rains, a natural gas leak in an elementary school in Amherstberg last Thursday that could have led to a serious incident, two students burned by roofing tar last Monday during gym class, the issue of safe, well-maintained, healthy schools certainly seems like a priority election issue to us – and a non-partisan one that every provincial party in Ontario ought to be prioritizing. 

In an Ottawa Citizen editorial last week on April 11, 2018, columnist Randall Denley wondered why Ontario’s crumbling schools are not an election issue.

In politics, a lot can change in a week. As of right now, school conditions are an election issue.