Opportunity to provide feedback on publicly funded education

Premier Ford and Education Minister Thompson announced in August that the provincial government would embark upon an unprecedented parental consultation. This consultation is underway and we encourage every single Ontarian involved with Fix Our Schools to participate in at least one of the following ways:

  1. Providing an “open submission” to the Ministry of Education via this link up until December 15, 2018
  2. Participating in this online survey until December 15, 2018
  3. Participating in a “telephone town hall” with the Ministry of Education. These are already underway so we encourage you to visit this link today to sign up for one in your region.

Doug Ford’s government wants to develop a “Parents’ Bill of Rights” for Education. Under this topic, please consider submitting the following:

The basis of any Parents’ Bill of Rights must be every Ontario parent’s right to have a local, publicly funded school for their children that receives the adequate, stable provincial funding required to ensure that:

  1. Every student attending that local, publicly funded school receives what they need to succeed. 
  2. Every local, publicly funded school in Ontario is a safe, healthy, well-maintained building that provides an environment conducive to learning. The $15.9-billion of disrepair in Ontario’s publicly funded schools must be eliminated quickly and a commonly understood standard of good repair for Ontario’s publicly funded schools must be implemented.  

Many specific topics being surveyed by this government are outside of the focus of the Fix Our Schools campaign. However, the Parent’s Bill of Rights topic allows us to provide important feedback to this provincial government about our desires to Fix Ontario’s Schools. PLEASE take this opportunity to send a strong message to Doug Ford that we want his government to Fix Our Schools.