Education Rally on Saturday, April 6, 2019

My 12-year old son came home from school after participating in the April 4, 2019 student walk-out. He wondered why his teachers had not protested as well. I explained that teachers and many other adults who support public education and have concerns about recently announced changes would be attending a Rally for Education on Saturday, April 6, noon at Queen’s Park in Toronto.  Fix Our Schools was there and thrilled to see such engagement by so many citizens who care deeply about publicly funded schools and education.

One of the concerns for people who attended the April 6 Rally was the proposed increase to class sizes. TDSB Chair Robin Pilkey sent this letter to Minister Thompson on April 2, 2019 outlining how the provincial government’s proposed increases in class sizes will negatively impact students. Another concern for many people who attended this Education Rally was the poor conditions in so many of Ontario’s publicly funded schools. With $15.9-billion of disrepair plaguing Ontario schools, students, teachers and education workers are spending their days in buildings that look like this:

Unacceptable! Minister Thompson and Premier Ford – please take the appropriate steps needed to Fix Ontario’s Schools and ensure that Ontario’s students receive the education they deserve!