Send a Postcard – Education Advocacy Made Easy

If you believe that publicly funded education matters and that safe, healthy, well-maintained schools matter too – then please send a postcard to make your views known!

The group called West End Parents for Public Education (WEPPE) has expanded its reach provincially with a recently launched Postcard Campaign. Here is the message you’d be sending if you contact them to receive postcards for you and your school community. You’ll notice there is space available to personalize your message.

We encourage all parents and parent councils to check out all the amazing tools that WEPPE has provided to make advocacy easy for parents and school councils across Ontario and to participate in this postcard campaign.

While the recent provincial budget maintained funding for school repairs at approximately $1.4-B/year, this amount has proven insufficient for school boards to be able to move beyond addressing disrepair reactively to actually reducing repair backlogs in their schools. As well, Fix Our Schools is very concerned about:

  • Inadequate provincial funding for the operational maintenance at Ontario’s schools. Operational maintenance is the critical day-to-day care, cleaning, and maintenance done by school custodians.
  • The lack of new school builds being approved by our new provincial government. As per provincial data on school disrepair, there are 346 Ontario schools that are in need of being replaced instead of being repaired.