It’s Official Canadians, the 2019 Federal Election is Underway

Justin Trudeau visited Rideau Hall last week to meet with Governor General Julie Payette to ask her to dissolve Parliament, which officially triggers the federal election to be held in Canada this coming October 21.

With the coming election means federal candidates will be knocking on your door and seeking your support. If you value a strong publicly funded education system for Canadian children, we urge you to ask your local candidates how they plan to ensure federal funding goes towards fixing Canadian public school buildings. We realize that, with the exception of First Nations education, public education is a provincial responsibility in Canada. However, we believe strongly that all Canadian public buildings we call schools could justifiably receive federal infrastructure dollars to ensure they are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings. After all, federal infrastructure dollars routinely go towards infrastructure like curling rinks and hockey arenas!

We urge you to engage wholeheartedly with the federal election process since every election is an opportunity. An opportunity to ensure that issues of importance to you are discussed. An opportunity to gain commitments for positive change. An opportunity to make a difference.

Canadians value high-quality public education and universally believe that all Canadian students, including Indigenous students, ought to spend their days learning in buildings that are safe, healthy, clean and well-maintained. If we delineate the eduation that gets delivered from the critical public infrastructure called schools, there is an easy path for our Federal government to commit infrastructure funding to repairing and renewing Canadian’s schools.