Category Archives: Fix Our Schools

MPP Walker: $84.4-M of Disrepair in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Schools

Dear MPP Walker,

Did you know that once John Deifenbaker Senior SS, which was logged at having $20-M of disrepair, is replaced, there will be $84.4-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound:

Amabel-Sauble Community School $188,750
Arran Tara E S $1,647,259
Bayview PS $2,507,231
Beavercrest Community S $2,503,161
Bruce Peninsula District S $6,340,265
Dawnview PS $1,959,362
Dufferin E S $1,375,486
Georgian Bay Community (Sec) $15,770,678
Grey Highlands SS $10,383,860
Hepworth Central School $1,440,260
Hillcrest E S $3,516,139
HollandChatsworth Central S $2,425,097
KeppelSarawak E S $1,466,624
Macphail Memorial Elementary School $127,369
Normanby Community S $1,262,395
Osprey Central S $1,682,466
Owen Sound District Secondary S $14,470,878
Spruce Ridge Elementary $1,868,693
St Edmunds PS $608,825
St VincentEuphrasia E S $4,874,994
Sullivan Community S $2,783,851
Sydenham Community S $1,127,454
EEC SaintDominiqueSavio $237,552
Holy Family Sep S $450,357
Notre Dame Catholic S $1,291,496
St Basil’s ES $680,528
St Mary’s HS $1,378,921
St Peter’s & St Paul’s Sep S $67,130

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We commend you for personally signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the June election and ask that you and your government please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure. Please take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 


MPP Babar: $171.2-M of Disrepair in York Centre Schools

Dear MPP Babar,

In 2018 MPP Babar signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools

Did you know there is $171.2-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of York Centre? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in York Centre:

James Cardinal McGuigan SS $943,263
Madonna Catholic SS $4,125,035
St Jerome CS $3,014,363
St Martha S $3,243,196
St Norbert CS $1,945,079
St Raphael CS $3,305,061
St Robert CS $545,700
Ancaster PS $2,718,062
Beverley Heights MS $7,901,888
Blaydon PS $3,326,508
Calico PS $7,592,674
Charles H Best MS $6,693,870
Downsview PS $2,835,295
Downsview SS $26,365,519
Dublin Heights E & MS $7,488,358
Faywood ArtsBased Curriculum School $5,576,180
Highview PS $5,151,927
Northview Heights SS $16,601,931
Pierre Laporte MS $6,327,786
Rockford PS $9,591,994
Sheppard PS $8,604,485
Stilecroft PS $7,203,632
Summit Heights PS $4,108,747
Tumpane PS $5,419,449
William L Mackenzie CI $15,461,364
Wilmington ES $5,126,386

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We commend you for personally signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the June election and ask that you and your government please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure. Please take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 


MPP Stiles: Taking Action on $273.6-M of Disrepair in Davenport Schools

MPP Marit Stiles of Davenport Riding has been working to ensure that disrepair in Ontario schools is a priority for our provincial government. She raised the issue in the Legislature and helped organize a press conference about hot schools in September. As well, MPP Stiles signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge during the provincial election.

In 2018 MPP Stiles signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools

To support MPP Stiles in continuing to raise the issue of disrepair in Ontario’s publicly funded schools, Fix Our Schools wanted to share the following details of disrepair each school in the Davenport riding:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Davenport, for a total of $273.6-million of school disrepair in this riding:

ÉÉP CharlesSauriol $3,989,379
ÉIP Toronto Ouest $9,211,223
Blessed Pope Paul VI C S $1,444,248
Loretto College $273,000
St Anthony $351,351
St Clare CS $5,644,457
St Helen CS $1,996,313
St John Bosco CS $1,293,068
St Luigi (shared, leased from TDSB) $8,617,002
St Mary Catholic Academy $13,817,009
St Mary of the Angels CS $2,283,188
St Matthew CS $3,903,810
St Nicholas of Bari CS $2,969,214
St Rita CS $7,549,675
St Sebastian (shared, leased from TDSB) $15,574,138
Stella Maris (shared, leased from TDSB) $10,566,150
Alexander Muir/Gladstone Ave Jr & Sr PS $14,000,117
Bloor CI $21,079,964
Brock PS $6,092,182
Carleton Village Jr & Sr Sports and Wellness Academy $11,235,042
Dewson Street Jr PS $9,975,264
Dovercourt PS $7,395,996
F H Miller Jr PS $2,278,949
Fairbank Memorial CS $7,309,511
Fairbank PS $4,003,020
General Mercer Jr PS $5,851,059
McMurrich Jr PS $6,245,894
Oakwood CI $16,599,197
Ossington/Old Orchard Jr PS $5,674,023
Pauline Jr PS $15,574,138
Perth Avenue Jr PS $8,617,002
Rawlinson CS $9,425,423
Regal Road Jr PS $7,281,914
Shirley Street Jr PS $5,122,158
Winona Drive Sr PS $11,105,737
ÉSC SaintFrèreAndré $9,211,223

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health. Clearly, MPP Stiles recognizes this fact, as do students and families in Davenport. We ask that constituents in Davenport work with MPP Stiles to raise the important issue of school conditions and to urge our provincial government to please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure and take the steps necessary to ensure that the $15.9-billion of disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working.

Wow! Fix Our Schools Supporters are AMAZING!

What amazing supporters we have! You have made real change possible. As a large, connected network, we’ve been able to:

  • Increase annual provincial funding for school repairs from $150-million/year to $1.4-billion/year.
  • Convince the Ministry of Education to release school disrepair data and update this powerful information annually.
  • Obtain the personal commitment of 58 newly elected MPPs to develop a standard of good repair for Ontario schools and to commit the adequate, stable funding needed to achieve those standards.

You photograph disgusting conditions at your local schools, send us riveting stories, petition your local politicians and engage with us on social media, which amplifies our message. Together we achieve more. THANK YOU! 

When Fix Our Schools began in 2014 in the west end of Toronto, we naively thought disrepair in schools and substandard learning conditions were only a local issue. 

By 2015, we realized that every single one of Ontario’s school boards was negatively impacted by school disrepair. In fact, we uncovered that there was a total repair backlog of $15-billion in Ontario’s schools. That amount has grown over time, and continues to grow.

Thankfully, we have discovered that people across the province care deeply about this issue and our base of support also continues to grow each day.  Together, we will continue to make real change on the issue of disrepair in Ontario’s schools. Together, we will truly Fix Our Schools. 

Frustrated students plan a walkout to protest Ford government

Students are frustrated by the actions of Doug Ford’s government relative to publicly funded education, as is evident by the following email that was sent out by a Principal of a high school:

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students and Staff,

We have been made aware of a province-wide student organized walk-out protesting:

a) changes to the elementary sex education curriculum;

b) cancellation of curriculum writing from an indigenous perspective; and

c) funding cancellation for school repairs (vis a vis the carbon tax cancellation).

The information we have received indicates that students participating will leave classes from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.  They will peacefully protest by congregating on the sports field with their peers.  I have also been informed that other students who do not wish to leave class may be wearing purple shirts in support of the student-organized initiative.

As indicated, this walkout has been organized by students for students.  While not a school or TDSB organized event, the school and the TDSB recognizes the importance of student voice.  Student safety is also of utmost concern from a school and a TDSB perspective.  As such I encourage parents/guardians and to discuss personal safety with their child(ren) as related to this walkout. Most of our teachers will be in class teaching during the walkout, though we will be assigning those few who are not teaching to oversee those participating.  We will also make our local police division aware of the anticipated events.  Again as this walkout is not organized by the school we have no idea how many of our students may be participating. We are also unaware of how the media may cover this walkout either at our school, in the city or provincially. 

I encourage students and parents/guardians to speak with one another about the issues being protested, and for students to share their intention to walkout (or not) with their parents/guardians. 

I appreciate the support of our community with this matter. 

MPP Khanjin: $36.2-M of Disrepair in Barrie-Innisfil Schools

Dear MPP Khanjin,

Did you know there is $36.2-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Barrie-Innisfil? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Barrie-Innisfil:

ÉÉP La Source $447,363
ÉSP Roméo Dallaire $243,131
Alcona Glen ES $388,616
Algonquin Ridge ES $1,156,476
Allandale Heights PS $1,261,418
Andrew Hunter ES $957,335
Assikinack PS $572,338
Bear Creek Secondary School $1,170,445
Ferndale Woods ES $437,250
Goodfellow PS $1,898,592
Holly Meadows $1,309,272
Innisdale SS $5,840,739
Innisfil Central PS $2,020,091
Killarney Beach PS $1,060,441
Nantyr Shores $1,075,347
Sunnybrae PS $1,120,166
Trillium Woods $270,528
W. C. Little Elementary School $1,368,197
Holy Cross $321,661
St Francis of Assisi $128,937
St John Vianney $886,515
St Nicholas $490,726
St Peter’s $2,506,060
St. Catherine of Siena $115,342
St. Joan of Arc $1,132,537
St. John Paul II $1,182,207
St. Michael the Archangel $83,885

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We commend you for personally signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the June election and ask that you and your government please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure. Please take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 


Minister Fedeli: $96-M of Disrepair in Nipissing Schools

Dear Minister Fedeli,

Did you know there is $96-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Nipissing? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Nipissing:

Alliance French Immersion PS $1,786,743
Chippewa SS $11,257,969
E T Carmichael PS $1,597,674
E W Norman PS $1,978,033
F J McElligott SS $1,733,248
Ferris Glen PS $1,022,368
Laurentian Learning Centre $1,199,048
M T Davidson S $448,818
Mapleridge Sr PS $2,298,955
Mattawa District PS $1,733,019
Phelps Central School $2,083,876
Silver Birches Public School $790,155
South Shore Education Centre $176,553
Sunset Park PS $1,420,412
Vincent Massey P.S. $116,910
W J Fricker Sr PS $2,852,526
West Ferris SS $10,865,376
Widdifield Secondary School $8,828,782
ÉÉC Lorrain $2,272,855
ÉÉC SaintRaymond $2,768,778
ÉÉC SaintsAnges $1,339,535
ÉÉC SaintVincent $1,274,699
ÉSC Algonquin $11,914,946
ÉÉP Héritage $165,951
ÉSP l’Odyssée $706,830
Holy Cross Catholic School $1,191,246
Mother St Bride Sep S $2,827,154
Our Lady of Fatima Sep S $2,829,092
St Hubert Sep S $4,615,179
St. Alexander Sep S $2,346,499
St. Francis Sep S $1,689,547
St. Gregory Sep S $1,207,487
St. JosephScollard Hall Sep S $6,501,198
St. Theresa Sep S $133,950

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We commend you for personally signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge leading up to the June election and ask that you and your government please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure. Please take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 


MPP Bell: $271.5-M of School Disrepair in University-Rosedale

Dear MPP Bell,

In 2018 MPP Bell signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools

Thank you for raising awareness in Queen’s Park about how disrepair in schools impacts students. As well, we commend you for signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge during the election, and making the personal commitment to ensure all Ontario’s schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working.

We wanted to share the following details of disrepair each school in your riding:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in University-Rosedale:

ÉÉP PierreElliotTrudeau $4,402,203
Msgr. Fraser College Annex Campus (former St. Peter) $4,497,150
Our Lady of Perpetual Help CS $3,704,603
Pope Francis $2,512,090
St Francis of Assisi $1,113,920
St Josephs College S $12,394,575
St Raymond CS $7,730,301
Beverley School $4,080,603
Central Technical School $54,103,662
Central Toronto Academy $21,373,585
Clinton Street Jr PS $9,342,507
Essex Jr & Sr PS $13,657,959
General Brock PS $4,094,925
Harbord CI $21,702,331
Heydon Park SS $2,274,054
Huron Street Jr PS $8,291,760
Jesse Ketchum Jr & Sr PS $15,026,044
Kensington CS $4,423,894
King Edward Jr & Sr PS $8,976,434
Lord Lansdowne Jr & Sr PS $8,152,416
Montrose Jr PS $8,301,232
Niagara Street Jr PS $4,661,050
Orde Street PS $8,218,651
Palmerston Ave Jr PS $6,926,640
Palmerston Ave Jr PS Annex $2,893,590
Rosedale Jr PS $2,981,367
West End Alt School $15,128,631
Whitney Jr PS $6,604,522
ÉÉC du SacréCoeur Toronto $3,959,045

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We ask that you continue to work to ensure the provincial government prioritizes schools as critical infrastructure and takes the steps necessary to ensure that the $15.9-billion of disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. 

MPP Morrison: $127.5-M of School Disrepair in Toronto-Centre

Dear MPP Morrison,

In 2018 MPP Morrison signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge to create a Standard of Good Repair for Ontario schools

Did you know there is $127.5-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Toronto-Centre? We commend you for signing the Fix Our Schools Pledge during the election, and making the personal commitment to ensure all Ontario’s schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working.

We wanted to share the following details of disrepair each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools.

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Toronto-Centre:

ÉÉP GabrielleRoy $6,931,250
ÉSP Collège francais $10,766,710
Msgr Fraser College (Toronto Campus) $3,866,978
Msgr. Fraser College St Martin $5,537,700
Msgr. Fraser College IsabellaNorth $2,756,331
Our Lady of Lourdes $409,500
St Michael’s Choir S (Elem) (Leased frm RCEC) $1,648,201
St Michael’s Choir S (Sec) (Leased frm RCEC) $6,926,824
St Paul CS $4,284,495
Church Street Jr PS $5,010,618
Inglenook CS $1,994,771
Jarvis CI $29,326,820
Lord Dufferin Jr & Sr PS $476,015
Nelson Mandela Park PS $2,249,100
Rose Avenue Jr PS $7,500,885
Rosedale Heights School of the Arts $22,187,476
Sprucecourt PS $6,002,936
Winchester Jr & Sr PS $5,357,086
Winchester Jr & Sr PS Annex $4,303,845

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We ask that you work to ensure the provincial government prioritizes schools as critical infrastructure and takes the steps necessary to ensure that the $15.9-billion of disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools, especially given that you signed the Fix Our Schools Pledge during the election.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors. 


MPP Calandra: $33.6-M of Disrepair in Markham-Stouffville Schools

Dear MPP Calandra,

Did you know there is $33.6-million of disrepair in the publicly funded schools in your riding of Markham-Stouffville? We wanted to share the following details of disrepair in each school in your riding in the hope that this detailed information would underscore the importance of developing standards of good repair for Ontario schools and also the importance of providing the adequate, stable provincial funding to school boards required for them to meet those new standards and eliminate the $15.9-billion repair backlog that plagues Ontario’s schools:

Total disrepair in each publicly funded school in Markham-Stouffville:

St. Brigid CES $67,897
St. Brother Andre CHS $5,250,585
St. Edward CES $2,063,934
St. Julia Billiart CES $21,000
St. Kateri Tekakwitha CES $854,932
St. Mark CES $2,186,540
St. Patrick (Markham) CES $2,949,215
Cornell Village PS $186,224
David Suzuki PS $20,280
E T Crowle PS $1,089,700
Franklin Street PS $1,538,745
Glad Park PS $872,547
Greensborough PS $250,400
Harry Bowes PS $20,280
James Robinson PS $2,803,665
Legacy PS $750,000
Little Rouge PS $80,100
Markham DHS $259,100
Markville SS $2,400,657
Mount Joy PS $196,000
Oscar Peterson PS $20,280
Ramer Wood PS $1,122,600
Reesor Park PS $2,428,834
Roy H Crosby PS $2,057,050
Sam Chapman PS $54,100

School conditions matter. They impact student learning, attendance, and health.

We ask that you and your government please prioritize schools as critical infrastructure and take the steps necessary to ensure that the disrepair in all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools is eliminated and that schools are safe, healthy, well-maintained buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. We look forward to hearing back from you with details on your plan to Fix Ontario’s Schools.

PLEASE NOTE: Fix Our Schools is relying on the most recent disrepair data provided by the Ministry of Education in Fall 2017 and has mapped postal codes provided by the Ministry for each school to riding postal code information from a third party. Therefore, it is possible that there may be small errors in the data provided here and we would be grateful if community members would contact us with any errors.