Tag Archives: Unlocking

“Unlocking” $500-M Sounds Great But Don’t Be Fooled

On Thursday, August 12, 2020, Education Minister Lecce announced that he was “unlocking” $500-M to help ensure a safe return to school in September. Sounds great at first blush – right? New provincial funding of a half-billion dollars to help ensure a safe return to school would, indeed, be great news. However, that is not what happened. In fact, zero new provincial dollars were allocated to funding public education and schools in Ontario when Minister Lecce performed his latest sleight of hand and “unlocked” $500-million dollars. 

What actually happened is that our provincial government gave school boards permission to access their reserve funds – or their “rainy day funds” as Premier Ford likes to call them.

What actually happened is that school boards are now being publicly pressured to use their reserve funds, which are all earmarked for future financial commitments or projects, to fund what ought to be funded by our provincial government in the form of new money to address serious concerns with the province’s back to school plan.   

What actually happened is that our provincial government shirked its responsibility to properly fund a safe return to school in September and downloaded that responsibility to local school boards, which have no way to generate revenue except to rely upon provincial funding.

Since 2014, Fix Our Schools has been calling on successive provincial governments to provide adequate, stable funding required to ensure safe, healthy, well-maintained school buildings that provide environments conducive to learning and working. Amidst a global pandemic, this call to action seems even more necessary. Premier Ford and Minister Lecce, will you prioritize the safety and well-being of 2-million students, teachers, and education workers in this province and commit the funding that is actually needed at this time by using your “rainy day” funds?