Students getting injured at their place of learning … surely Ontario can do better?

Two children burned, after hot asphalt dripped through their school’s gymnasium roof, which was being repaired…

One child undergoes surgery to save the tip of her finger after it got mangled during lunchtime horseplay in her grade 1 classroom, where lunchtime supervision is limited to one adult supervisor in the hallway, monitoring several classrooms…

One child suffers a cut on her head, after a piece of construction scaffolding at her school fell and hit her…

One child endures a broken wrist and concussion, after a railing on her school’s playground gave way… this last scenario never made the news because the mother didn’t want to traumatize her daughter further. This begs the question: “How many other Ontario students are injured each day while at school?”

And also begs the question:  “Why is there no provincial standard in place to ensure that the schools in which 2-million Ontario children spend their days are safe, well-maintained, healthy buildings – to protect our children in their place of “work”?”

This is exactly what the Fix Our Schools Pledge calls for – a standard of good repair for Ontario’s schools and adequate, stable provincial funding to support this new standard. If you believe that students should be safe in their place of “work” – then please contact all your local MPPs to urge them to sign the Fix Our Schools Pledge.